About this series

The Quarterly Theory Workshop brings in theoretical computer science experts to present their perspective and research on a common theme.  The technical program starts in the morning and includes time for coffee, lunch and discussions between the speakers and participants.


The focus of this workshop will be on the societal impacts of algorithms. From designing self-driving cars to selecting the order of news posts on Facebook to automating credit checks, the use of algorithms for decision making is now commonplace. Hence it is more important than ever to consider fairness as a key aspect while designing these algorithms to prevent unwanted bias and prejudice. The speakers for this workshop are Rakesh VohraMichael KearnsSamira SamadiSteven Wu, and Suresh Venkatasubramanian . This is co-organized by IDEAL as part of the Special Quarter on Data Science and Law.


  • Date: Friday, March 19, 2021, 10:30am-2:30pm CDT
  • Location: Virtual (on Gather.Town and Zoom).  watch the full event here



Title: Between Group and Individual Fairness for Machine Learning
Michael Kearns (University of Pennsylvania)
We will overview recent research that interpolates between group fairness definitions (which have nice algorithmic properties but only blunt fairness guarantees), and individual fairness definitions (which have strong individual semantics but poor algorithmic properties). We describe algorithms enforcing fairness notions lying between these extremes, as well as recent strengthenings of group fairness, such as minimax and lexicographic fairness. A common theme is the use of connections between game theory and machine learning as an algorithm design principle.

Title: Socially Fair k-Means Clustering
Speaker: Samira Samadi (MPI)
Abstract: We show that the popular k-means clustering algorithm (Lloyd’s heuristic), can result in outcomes that are unfavorable to subgroups of data (e.g., demographic groups). Such biased clusterings can have deleterious implications for human-centric applications such as resource allocation. We present a fair 𝑘-means objective and algorithm to choose cluster centers that provide equitable costs for different groups. The algorithm, Fair-Lloyd, is a modification of Lloyd’s heuristic for 𝑘-means, inheriting its simplicity, efficiency, and stability. In comparison with standard Lloyd’s, we find that on benchmark datasets, Fair-Lloyd exhibits unbiased performance by ensuring that all groups have equal costs in the output 𝑘-clustering, while incurring a negligible increase in running time, thus making it a viable fair option wherever 𝑘-means is currently used.

Title: Involving Stakeholders in Building Fair ML Systems 
Speaker: Steven Wu (CMU)
Abstract: Recent work in fair machine learning has proposed dozens of technical definitions of algorithmic fairness and methods for enforcing these definitions. However, we still lack a comprehensive understanding of how to develop machine learning systems with fairness criteria that reflect relevant stakeholders’ nuanced viewpoints in real-world contexts. This talk will cover our recent work that aims to address this gap. We will first discuss an algorithmic framework that enforces the individual fairness criterion through interactions with a human auditor, who can identify fairness violations without enunciating a fairness (similarity) measure. We then discuss an empirical study on how to elicit stakeholders’ fairness notions in the context of a child maltreatment predictive system.

Title: The Limits of Shapley Values as a Method for Explaining the Predictions of an ML System
Suresh Venkatasubramanian (University of Utah)
One of the more pressing concerns around the deployment of ML systems is explainability: can we understand why an ML system made the decision that it did. This question can be unpacked in a variety of ways, and one approach that has become popular is the idea of feature influence: that we can assign a score to features that represents their (relative) influence in an outcome (either locally for particular input, or globally).

One of the most influential of such approaches has been one based on cooperative game theory, where features are modeled as “players” and feature influence is captured as “player contribution” via the Shapley value of a game. The argument is that the axiomatic framework provided by Shapley values is well-aligned with the needs of an explanation system.

But is it? I’ll talk about two pieces of work that nail down mathematical deficiencies of Shapley values as a way of estimating feature influence and quantify the limits of Shapley values via a fascinating geometric interpretation that comes with interesting algorithmic challenges.

Title: Fair Prediction with Endogenous Behavior
Speaker: Rakesh Vohra (University of Pennsylvania)
Abstract: There is increasing regulatory interest in whether machine learning algorithms deployed in consequential domains (e.g. in criminal justice) treat different demographic groups “fairly.” Several proposed notions of fairness, typically mutually incompatible, have been examined in settings where the behavior being predicted is treated as exogenous.

Using criminal justice as a setting where the behavior being predicted can be endogenous, we study a model in which society chooses an incarceration rule. Agents of different demographic groups differ in their outside options (e.g. opportunity for legal employment) and decide whether to commit crimes. We show that equalizing type I and type II errors across groups is consistent with the goal of minimizing the overall crime rate; other popular notions of fairness are not.